
Welcome to the Navigator class page. The adults in the class this year are Mrs Cox, Mrs Fisher and Mrs Robinson. Mrs Cox will teach Year 4 maths, and Mrs Musselwhite will teach Year 3 maths.

Our theme this term is Go With The Flow and Marvellous Maps. We will be exploring how rivers form and change, learning about major rivers of the world, and investigating different types of mapping.

Our spring term theme will be Great Minds Think Alike, where we will be exploring ancient civilisations and how their innovations inspired the world. In the Summer term, our theme will be All the Fun of the Fair. Embedded in this will be our entrepreneurial tasks and a possibility to explore forces through an exciting school trip. You can find links to our theme maps below.

Reading is a top priority in our learning. The children will have an individual book matched to their reading ability and a library book where they can choose a style/genre of book that they are interested in. In guided reading we teach the reading skills but it is most successful when children practise at home. It is perfectly OK to re-read passages and take opportunities to explore new vocabulary. During the year we will have reading workshops you can attend and please feel free to contact me via the school office if you have any queries about how, what or when to read with your child.

Children are required to bring in their water bottle, sun hat/warm hat and a warm waterproof coat every day. Wellies are to be left in school and taken home at the end of every half term.

Our PE days are on Tuesday and Friday. PE kit is required to stay in school throughout the week and will come home on a Friday. 

Our Forest school day is a Monday and children will need to bring in suitable long trousers (joggers) and a waterproof.

If you have any questions or need to contact Mrs Cox, please contact the office at

Please see information below...

Theme Maps to be uploaded each term:

Autumn Term - Go with the flow

Spring Term - Great Minds Think Alike

Summer Term - All the fun of the fair

Useful websites the children can access at home:

Times Table Rock Stars

Spelling Frame