
Welcome to the Voyagers' class page. 

Our team consists off Miss Hill (class teacher), Mrs Musselwhite (class teacher on Mondays) and Mrs Fisher (teaching assistant).  We are so excited to join your children on their educational journey this year. 

Our Current Theme:

We have been exploring the four countries that make up 'The United Kingdom', placing these on a map and seeing how these link to the wider world. We have also enjoyed hearing stories, cooking recipes, designing flags and saying greetings linked to the four countries. Our class bear 'Ted' has also been visiting each location on our behalf and reporting back about his adventures! 

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Important information:

P.E will be on Tuesdays and Fridays but PE kits should be in school all week.  Please ensure that all children have appropriate equipment and clothing. It is very important that children have a water bottle.

Forest school is on a Monday and children will need to bring suitable attire (a change of trousers, wellies and a waterproof)

Home learning will come home on a Thursday and is due in by the following Wednesday. 

If we have any special theme days you will be informed by Parent Mail. 


It is so important that our children read as much as they can at home and at school. Reading is essential to enable our children to fully access the curriculum and it helps develop their imaginations and confidence. So please get reading.....

Year One Parents - Your child will be bringing home 2 reading books ( linked to the Read Write Inc group they attend) and a library book to encourage a love of reading. These may include books that can be read aloud to them by an adult.

Year Two Parents - Prior to Christmas, your child will bring home 2 reading books linked to their Read Write Inc group and after Christmas they will bring home a colour banded reading book. These are carefully selected to match the needs of your child to help them progress. Your children may read other books alongside their school reading books and we welcome sharing this with our class. They will also bring home a library book to encourage a love of reading. These may include books that can be read aloud to them by an adult.

Our themes are this year are: 

Amazing Places and Spaces in the UK

321...BLAST OFF!



Commotion in the Ocean

See the link below for more information on our themes ( links to pdfs come). 

If you need to contact the class teacher then please contact the school office,

Please see theme information....

Autumn 1 Theme Maps:

Amazing Places and Spaces (sheet 1)

Amazing Places and Spaces (sheet 2)  

Autumn 2 Theme maps

321Blast Off! (1)

321 Blast Off (2)

Spring 1 Theme map
