Sports Ambassadors
At our school we believe that all children should have experience of a range of sports with access to high quality teaching and coaches. From badminton and orienteering, to football, tag-rugby, cricket and golf there is plenty on offer to prepare our children for future healthy lifestyles. We are proud to say that by the end of year 4 all children will have had the chance to represent their school in a sporting event.
Our sports ambassadors are elected to model good sporting behaviours and work alongside to staff to plan and assist sporting events.
Our sports ambassadors for 2022-2023 are Daniel, Kyle, Lottie and Arabella.
In November they attended the Dorset Sports leaders training course and have subsequently been delivering weekly sports activities to children in YR-Y2 at lunchtimes on a Wednesday and Thursday.
The 3 whole school events they have planned for the year ahead are:
A skipping event
The climbing wall (annual event)
and a visiting sportsperson linked to the paralympics.